Many men continue to worry about whether it is possible to enlarge their penis and how to do it.
To confirm the expediency of this idea, it is necessary to understand when growth is required, what methods are available and how to implement them.
Is it possible to enlarge the penis?
Before focusing on how to enlarge the penis,it is worth understanding why this is done and what the symptoms are. . . For independent movements to enlarge the penis, dissatisfaction with its parameters is enough, as well as the size of the penis is less than 12 cm, but more than 8 cm in the upright position. When it comes to surgery, there are serious guidelines:
- The erect penis is less than 10 cm;
- Traumatic injury of the penis;
- Developmental anomalies such as epispadias or hypospadias
- Development of cavernous fibrosis;
- loss of tissue elasticity;
- Hidden penis.
Proven and effective methods
There is a hundred percent positive answer to the question of whether it is really possible to enlarge the penis, but this action will require some effort.
There are many ways for a person to get results, each of which has caused controversy many times, and it is important to know more about each of them.
These include:
- Extenders;
- pumps;
- nozzles;
- Trainings;
- folk methods;
- Suspension of cargo;
- Operations;
- Creams, ointments, gels, sprays.
The first is the question of whether penis enlargement is realistic. These devices have long held their place in the group of intimate goods, but initially there was a lot of controversy around their effectiveness.

At the moment, many men have proved itExpanders not only help the penis to grow, but also help to correct its curvature. . . The device has even become part of a rehabilitation plan after penis enlargement surgeries, indicating that medical professionals agree with the device's effectiveness.
There are three types of expanders:
- looped;
- vacuum;
- Belt.
They differ only in the method of attachment per head., the working mechanism is the same for each type in terms of convenience and price.
It takes some time to get used to wearing an expander. With this device, the penis is inserted at the beginning of the enlargement process for about half an hour a day, gradually increasing this time to 4-6 hours.
water pump
The next question about a particular device is whether it is realistic to enlarge the penis with a pump. Because now it is easy to find the samples obtained as a result of the use of pumpsthis device quickly proved effective. . .

Their mechanism of action is based on creating a vacuum in a special cylinder. The penis is placed there andThe vacuum around the body stimulates blood flow to the cavernous body.This slowly lengthens them and enlarges the penis accordingly.
Penis appendages are probably the fastest and easiest way to enlarge the phallus. These silicone products are mainly thickeners and extenders.


There is also a positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to enlarge the penis through exercise.
Various special exercises allow you to create an individual set of exercises.
They are aimed at different purposes. Some increase all the parameters, others lengthen, others thicken, and the fourth to increase any part of it, for example, the head. Here are some exercise examples:
- The man reaches the maximum possible upright position. He then spreads his legs wide and begins to move his pelvis and, accordingly, his genitals back and forth. At the same time, it tightens the muscles of the perineum. This exercise lasts about 5 minutes, if you get tired quickly, you can shorten this time.
- This activity takes place in a completely relaxed state, there should be no excitement. The head of the penis is wrapped around the fingers and removed from it and frozen at the farthest point for 5 seconds. While standing, press with the thumb of the other hand and move from root to tip.
Folk methods
Folk recipes are available for all occasions, and changing the size of the penis is not excluded.
The question of whether it is possible to enlarge the penis with baking soda, the most popular ingredient in dubious methods, is especially relevant.
Properly covered, it will withstand a great deal of adverse conditionsingredient increases blood circulation in the penis,is the basis of other magnification methods. There are baths and scrubs with soda. Hot water and soda solution for the bath is prepared in a glass or other convenient container. A member is immersed there for a while.
Scrub, in turn, requires an expansion of the set, for example, soda mixed with honey, which has long been proven in folk recipes. The penis is rubbed with this scrub, massaged and then thoroughly washed.

Weights are different sizes of weights that can be purchased or made with your own hands, which is easier and more affordable.
Theirfastened to the back of the head with a soft rope and fastened with plaster. . . This method has long caused many doubts about its effectiveness, but many men have confirmed that it is possible to lengthen the penis with its help.
Suspension of cargo is accompanied by high risks, so it should be approached with caution.
Progress still does not stop, now in the marketThere are special vacuum hangers for hanging loads from the phallus.

When the question arises as to whether it is possible to increase the size of the penis with the help of operations, the answer is ambiguous - it is possible!
In fact, the current advances in medicine have affected this as well, so there will be no large rough scars as a result of the operation, which makes the operation very profitable.
Surgical interventions are divided into two groups:
- Extensionsuch as ligamentotomy and falloprosthetics;
- Thickeningsuch as muscle tissue transplantation and lipofilling.
Creams, gels, ointments, sprays
Particular doubts are always raised by the question of whether it is realistic to enlarge the penis with actively advertised creams, ointments, gels or sprays.
However, there are more positive feedback than negative feedback.
Of course, the effect of the cream is not visible on the first day, in the true sense of the word, after the first application. On average, after two weeks, such drugs begin to work and give the first results.
Can this be done at home?
Of particular interest to men is whether it is possible to enlarge the penis without leaving their home.

Based on the available methods, the answer to this question will be optimistic, because only the operation requires outside intervention and a visit to the hospital.
When it comes to choosing pumps, folk recipes, creams or expanders, you just need to leave home to get the product you want. Ato exercise and use weights requires nothing but the desire to get results. . .
In addition, we answer in more detail the question of whether it is possible to enlarge the penis at home. In general, you can not get a positive response. Of the methods listed, the following are suitable for home expansion:
- Extenders;
- pumps;
- Trainings;
- weighting agents;
- Creams, ointments, gels, sprays.
The choice of method should be considered and measured.. . . Some of the methods are simple and safe, which should be taken into account when making a final decision.

How much to actually resize?
The next question for men is about possible outcomes, as doubts about whether it is realistic to increase the size of the phallus have been removed and supported by movement options.
Different methods give different effects, on averageYou can increase the length of the penis by 2-4 cm and the thickness by 1-2 cm. . .
If a man thinks that penis enlargement at home is realistic and can be done in general, he can quietly think about the proven methods available to change the size of the penis and choose the most suitable, affordable option for him. .