Experience in the use of Erogen X

Experience in the use of Erogen X Felix Valencia

Experience in the use of Eroge X Felix Valencia Since adolescence I hesitated, because of the size of his penis. Despite the fact that I've been married, this complex has not left me, and it feels like the whole man, which is a large and impressive penis, I was able to only recently, after a course of gel Erogen X.

Yes, you say, it is not the whole, and the ability to use it, and all the girls want a man with a huge penis. But in a candid conversation, many people say that the penis of their guy should be at least 15-16 cm, otherwise they simply can not perceive him as a man in bed. Because the sight of my modest 12 inches and some of the girls not directly in the face, and someone began to openly laugh. And even though they tried to convince me, I saw in their eyes only pity.

Even after a course of treatment, I still could not fully overcome the complex and seems like the perfect, sexy man. It only remained to go under the surgeon's knife, but to do that I was afraid. After all, there can be scarring, but if a doctor makes a mistake, you may experience problems with erection.

Since learning of the existence of the gel Erogen Xit can enlarge the penis without surgery, I was very happy, and decided to learn more. You can find the official site, I learned that, to promote growth in protein bodies of the penis gel, you can achieve quite good results and increase your penis 4-5 inches. I ordered several tubes, in the hope that it can add at least a couple of inches.

How to use:

Gel for penis enlargement you need to squeeze the hands and RUB the whole length of the penis. You can use it two times a day. It may be said, improve blood circulation, feel a slight warmth and tingling.

The effect of the application

The result is noticeable immediately, but after a few weeks of daily use gel my penis became thicker and a few millimeters longer. Months later, the change in size was noticed, not only me, but also my wife, and in bed, I began to feel more confident, in addition to erection became much better and longer. During the year, I measured my penis and was amazed – it was as much as 16 inches long and inch thicker in diameter.

Now I feel much more confident as a man, and my wife after sex to look at me quite differently than before! All who are concerned about the size of their penis, don't despair, gel Erogen X it is possible to make a penis how you have always wanted it to be!

Experience in the use of Erogen X John Liverpool

Experience in the use of gel Eroge X John Liverpool

With the girls I have always been a problem, as soon as you get into bed, I started to get lost and blushed, afraid to see the reaction that my penis is much smaller than the average. You can fix this, I was able with the help of gel Erogen X.

The gel contains a complex of components, contribute to its growth and elasticity, it is, of course, did not make it 2 times bigger, but the increase of several inches can be calculated, and in this case, even a few inches will solve a lot.

Personally, I am satisfied, that in a few months my penis grew a modest 8 inches by 13 is quite reasonable, although this really helped me with my sexual life, I finally have a steady girlfriend. I continue to gel, I hope that he grows a little more thickness. If you consider surgery Erogen X – the best way, if you are unhappy with the size of their penis and want to fix it.